40 days prayer and fasting
We have an exciting opportunity for us to join churches in San Diego, Utah, Mexico City, Baja California, Nevada and other parts of the world in unity as we pray for Awaken Tijuana! We know that prayer is the key – because we don’t want to step out and do anything outside of God’s will – so we need prayer warriors to fight this Spiritual battle that is ahead of us.
Whenever you endeavor to win souls for Christ, the enemy is geared up with all his weapons to bring discouragement and defeat. But He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). And we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:31-39). The Bible also says in Luke 10:2 – “…the harvest is plentiful, but he laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
In the 40 days that lead up to Awaken Tijuana, we need you to labor in prayer.
We encourage you to join the 40 days Prayer and Fasting for an Awakening in our hearts and for the people in Tijuana, Mexico. We want you to commit to this for 40 days so please consider that commitment. You will receive 6 emails to help guide you through each week as we approach the Awaken Event on November 11 and 12. We will also give you some updates and ways to pray in the days that lead up to the event.
Be a part of what God is doing through Awaken!
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